Aries Full Moon
Wednesday, October 20
7:57 AM PDT / 10:57 AM EDT
27 degrees Aries
Full Moons illuminate polarities as the Sun (purpose) and Moon (emotional needs) face off in opposing signs. Wednesday's Aries Full Moon challenges the Libra Sun's focus on partnership and cooperation as the impatient Aries Moon needs to have her own way.
Some may sense that they've over-compromised and need to re-assert their independence. Or - as is the case with Eris conjoined with the Full Moon - some may feel left out, scorned, disrespected or rejected. Eris is the goddess of strife, sister of warrior Mars. And as Mars is in the mix (conjoined to the Sun, opposing Eris, square Pluto and trine Jupiter) motivation to achieve one's passionate desires is heightened.
A T-square to transformative Pluto in authoritative Capricorn suggests a challenge to authority or metamorphosis in one's own personal power. We may feel a need to dig deep to...
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Aquarius Full Moon
August 22, 2021
5:01 am PDT / 8:01 am EDT
29 Aquarius / Leo
Tomorrow's Aquarius Full Moon is at the final critical degree of the Aquarius-Leo axis. 29 degrees suggests an urgency, which may present an important decision, a last straw or a point of no return.
The shattering of societal norms and structures of the Saturn-Uranus square is also ignited at this time, with Uranus recently stationing retrograde in Taurus. The pandemic has made us acutely aware of our survival needs but equally conscious of what it means to really live and the priorities we create our life and world around.
The previous Aquarius Full Moon on July 23 was at 1 degree of Aquarius and fell between Saturn and Pluto. This was also the area of the zodiac of the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction at the Winter Solstice, suggesting a sense of great potential, but one that requires an innovative vision and sustained effort.
At this Blue Moon, the...
This Leo New Moon cycle is an opportunity to return to your center and shine your light of courage, creativity and purpose. The Sun is in its rulership in Leo and as the Moon aligns with the solar life force, the fire of creative, dramatic Leo is reignited.
As I write this, the Moon is newly waxing and opposing abundant Jupiter rx in Aquarius. While Jupiter is somewhat restricted in the realm of Saturn and not entirely at ease while retrograde, we may still sense the hope and expansiveness that is uniquely Jupiterian.
In two weeks' time, the second Aquarian Full Moon will conjoin Jupiter, and the flowering of our intentions will have a chance to bloom. I find the Leo/Aquarius axis to be a spectrum of how our specialness and creative gifts (Leo) can impact the collective consciousness (Aquarius). And how the impulse to put collective needs first (Aquarius) can fuel a sense of purpose (Leo).
The New Moon is separating from a square to Uranus, so there's an urge to...
Aquarius Full Moon
Friday, July 23, 2021
7:36 pm PDT / 10:36 pm EDT
1 degree Aquarius / Leo
Today's Aquarius Full Moon is the first of two Aquarius Full Moons in a row. As today's is near the beginning of Aquarius at 1 degree, besieged between intense Pluto and stern Saturn, it carries both the promise of transformation as well as the potential of some much-needed reality checks.
The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is "an unexpected thunderstorm."
When I think of unexpected thunderstorms, I think Uranus, and this Full Moon activates the Fixed Cross which in 2021 is highly charged by the Saturn-Uranus square. Bolts from the blue awaken us out of our complacency. And whether it's a sudden windfall of fortune or an unwelcomed shattering of expectations, it opens a new pathway of potential.
2021 is the Great Experiment. What have you been experimenting with in your life? In Aquarius, we're called toward the realm of the transpersonal - what we do has ripple effects beyond...
Today's Cancer New Moon at 18 degrees Cancer at 9:16 pm EDT is a time for exquisite self-care and deep reflection. The Moon is in its home sign and as it fuses with the Sun, it begins a cycle of reset, restoration and renewal. The phrase that came to me for this cycle is "The Great Preparation," as the internal alchemy transforms our inner landscape in preparation for an external expression.
The New Moon is applying to oppose powerful Pluto in Capricorn, symbolic of an impending metamorphosis. We may sense the intensity building, as if there is something around the corner that will challenge us in unfamiliar ways and call forth greater levels of responsibility, courage and life force.
Perhaps we feel that we can't allow ourselves to rest or soften because of the intensifying pressure. But Cancer reminds us that we cannot give from an empty cup and that self-care isn't a luxury, but a necessity. Cancer craves the familiar and the sense...
Capricorn Full Moon
Thursday, June 24, 2021
11:38 am PDT / 2:38 pm EDT
3 degrees Capricorn / Cancer
This Capricorn Full Moon has some very distinct features to it, as this Saturn-ruled Moon is amplified by Jupiter in Pisces, bringing a strange, transcendental quality to the Earth-bound Capricorn Moon.
There's a paradox of freedom and responsibility, and in fact the more we take responsibility for our lives the more freedom we can enjoy. Sometimes this means saying no to something that is no longer acceptable so that we can move toward greater opportunity.
One of this morning's news headlines was of the mass exodus of retail workers leaving low-wage jobs in order to pursue higher-paying jobs with greater benefits or those that provided a better quality of life. In practice, I've often seen aspects with the Sun and Jupiter to be a time when one's self-belief grows greater than their restrictive circumstances, often a job or relationship. Jupiter opens the door to the next great adventure.
This Mercury Retrograde in Gemini has been so profound on the level of the mind and memory, especially as it's been happening during an eclipse season with the North Node in Gemini.
As we venture out into the summer and reconnect with old friends and pleasures, the nostalgia of more innocent times becomes intoxicating.
It's likely you've been flooded with memories of the past about the person you used to be and the elements that shaped you into who you are today.
To paraphrase from Robert Moss, your personal journal will be the most important book you'll ever read.
So... have you been journaling lately?
We're halfway through Mercury Rx in Gemini and now is a perfect time to find the treasures in all the memories of the Soul.
Writing down what's in your mind is not only a great way to clear the burdens from your mind and heart, but it's an exercise in creating a more thoughtful and meaningful life. It's a step toward leaving a legacy.
Here are some suggestions:
>> Dust off your journal...
We’re entering a month of more change, as the chaotic Saturn-Uranus square aligns again, this time with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. Progress collides with authority and with Saturn rx, a great restructuring is in order.
The month opens with loving Venus entering the water sign of Cancer. We may be more attracted to feelings of maternal security and belonging, craving familiarity.
The Venus-Jupiter trine on June 3 is like a big hug from the Universe. We can open our arms and hearts wide to receive an embrace of care, pleasure and blessings.
One of the more intense aspects building, however, is the Mars-Pluto opposition, exact June 5. The individual will can find itself up against powerful opposing forces. This is a time to be careful of destructive forces in the world and within our own impulses to dominate others. If used well, it could signify empowered determination to push past our limitations.
The Gemini Solar Eclipse on June 10 is at the midpoint of the Mercury retrograde...
Taurus New Moon
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
11:59 am PDT / 2:59 pm EDT
21 degrees Taurus
The New Moon in Taurus is an opportunity to renew and reshape our integrity through determination, clarity and resilience. Black Moon Lilith is at the heart of this New Moon, offering liberation from delusions and false paths. At the New Moon, our intentions begin to take root in order to flower with time and cultivation.
Eclipse season begins with this New Moon as the culmination of this cycle is at the May 26 Full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. As the luminaries align with the Lunar Nodes, they course correct our paths through fate and destiny. While we can see the path ahead will culminate with a fiery Blood Moon, this moment of beginning is the realm of Taurus, whose qualities are focus, determination and resourcefulness which will serve us well in the journey into eclipse season.
Taurus is the exaltation of the Moon where nourishment, physical, emotional and spiritual are...