Venus Rx Readings Available Until March 1

Leo Full Moon Square Uranus: Creative Rebellion

Uncategorized Feb 10, 2025

Leo Full Moon
February 12, 2025
24 degrees Leo / Aqua
5:53 AM PST / 8:53 AM EST

“Ultimately, the artist and the revolutionary function as they function, and pay whatever dues they must pay behind it because they are both possessed by a vision, and they do not so much follow this vision as find themselves driven by it. Otherwise, they could never endure, much less embrace, the lives they are compelled to lead.”

― James Baldwin

As the full moon ripens in the dramatic fire sign of Leo, it jolts the mind and heart as it forms a T-square with erratic Uranus. Leading up to the Feb 12 Full Moon, the Mercury-Uranus square on Feb 10 liberates the mental realm from business as usual. It's a time to shake things up from a sense of complacency of the mind and communication.

We may be compelled by a creative vision that insists on doing things in bold new ways. There's an electricity in the air which can be disrupting and exciting. Uranus-Mercury makes me think of...

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Samhain Scorpio New Moon

new moon scorpio Oct 30, 2024

Scorpio New Moon
November 3, 2024
5:47 AM PDT / 8:47 AM EDT
9 degrees Scorpio

Samhain is the traditional Gaelic festival from October 31 to November 1 which honors the harvest season before the months of darkness descend. The ancients believed these are days where the veil between worlds is the thinnest, a time to honor those who have departed, send them our prayers and ponder the great mysteries of the universe.

That this New Moon in Scorpio on Nov 1 falls during this ancient time of honoring the dead seems poignant and pivotal. As we celebrate Halloween with jovial festivities that make light of witches, ghosts and goblins, we unconsciously are allowing an acceptance of our own mortality. Many of the great spiritual masters have said that you must die in order to live, meaning an acceptance of death can bring more aliveness and gratitude to our experience of life. 

Scorpio season is...

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Pluto's final direct station in Capricorn

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2024

Pluto, Lord of the Underworld - a place where death reigns and riches buried deep underground lie - is stationary direct at the anaretic degree 29 of Capricorn.

The final degree of a sign intensifies the urgency to distill the experience of that archetype. As old structures disintegrate, they attempt to exert control before a metamorphosis occurs.

Pluto empowers yet also exposes corruption. Since 2008, Plutocratic elites, autocratic leaders and capitalist greed were emboldened.

In our own lives, our Capricorn house demanded discipline, increased responsibility and authority, yet now is a time to ask - what was all this hard work in service to? Where is the Soul in my goals and achievements? 

November 19, Pluto re-enters Aquarius saying goodbye to Capricorn, and the other Cardinal signs, for the final time. Pluto’s transit through Aquarius through 2043 will shift the urge for power to collective movements. As a fixed sign it will require sustained efforts and...

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Monthly Mentorship Circle Now Open!

Uncategorized Oct 05, 2024

For those of you who are interested in developing your astrology skills, consider joining me for the first cohort of the 6-month Monthly Mentorship Circle. An important part of the practice of astrology is observation and there is no better way to understand the expressions of the planets than to analyze their movements as they correlate to our own life experiences.

On the first Sunday of each month starting November 3, we'll gather on zoom for 90 minutes to analyze each others' natal charts and transits. This is perfect for those who want to develop their chart reading skills, ask questions about practicing astrology professionally, or simply gain greater insight on the wisdom of the cosmos operating in your life.

The Mentoring Circle is limited to 12 participants and includes a private online community where you can learn from one another and share your explorations and ask questions. To be eligible to join, you need to have a working understanding...

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Pisces Lunar Eclipse | Transcendence

Uncategorized Sep 17, 2024

Pisces Lunar Eclipse
September 17, 2024
25 degrees Pisces / Virgo
7:35 PM PDT / 10:34 PM EDT

The Pisces Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse with the Moon conjunct Neptune. The element of water is amplified with themes of ripening emotions and a yearning for the numinous. We may feel overwhelmed or confused, unless we are attuned to higher spiritual truths and our own inner peace.

During the eclipse season we often experience twists of fate. What we expect may not happen, and what we don’t expect may surprise us. Neptune has the effect of dissolving which may manifest as dissolving something we hoped for, as much as it could dissolve barriers to miracles and deliver something we had given up on or never dreamed possible.

The sacrifice of personal desires to be in service of higher responsibilities is one theme as Saturn is co-present. It may seem impossible to put all the messiness in order, which can bring up feelings of incompetence, guilt or shame.

Pisces wants us to surrender to...

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Uranus Rx + Pluto's Last Stand in Capricorn

Uncategorized Sep 01, 2024

September 1 is a big day in the cosmos, as two of the outer planets, Uranus and Pluto, make major moves.

Pluto's Last Stand in Capricorn
September 1 - November 17, 2024

Pluto is making it's final journey through Saturn's earth sign of Capricorn before it re-enters the air sign of Aquarius for good for the next 20 years.

Those with Capricorn placements - and on some level the other earth signs Taurus and Virgo as well - will be reminded of how they experienced the initiation of disempowerment and volcanic empowerment of Pluto since 2008.

The Phoenix rising from the ashes is now part of their own personal mythology and this is a strength to draw from for the rest of their days. These next two and a half months can be re-assuring in some ways, but will also be a reality check that no matter how much one has overcome and accomplished, Pluto moving into new territory in 2025 and beyond means there's no re-living past glories as new ambitions...

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Aquarius Full Moon Square Uranus!

Uncategorized Aug 17, 2024

There’s so much going on in the skies right now, and as the Full Moon is aligning on Aug 19, events are coming to a major turning point.


The Sun in warm, generous Leo opposes the Moon in cool, detached Aquarius. Personal desires for fun and play may have to contend with the greater good of the group or community.

The Sun-Mercury Rx Cazimi offers a momentary realization from rx confusion. Information is revealed of an issue from the past or a weakness in the system. Mercury rx often reveals tricksters so reset those passwords and pay attention to truths and deceptions.

The T-square with Uranus in Taurus will bring surprises and shocking events. The erratic energy is palpable now and we’re being liberated from our complacency.

The Fixed signs don’t easily budge, but this is a moment of shattering paradigms. Creative breakthroughs are possible now!


Venus-Saturn can bring difficulty in relating as...

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Mars-Uranus Unexpected Twists in Store

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2024

Mt Etna erupting. A shock French election result. The UK Labour government reversal of fortune.

Many of the recent major news events have been surprising and unexpected or have an erratic quality to them which correlates to the coming
 Mars-Uranus conjunction at 26 Taurus, exact July 15. The recent Neptune station retrograde at 29 Pisces also figures in the sweeping quality of these historic events, however, I sense Uranus as the catalyst for the unexpected.

On a personal level, ever since Uranus entered Taurus in 2019, this part of our chart has felt a lot less secure and stable. Those who have Taurus personal planets know what I'm talking about, there's no room for complacency when Uranus, the Great Awakener, insists you get up to speed.

Mars already appears to be igniting the chaotic Uranian energy and when they come together, we'll likely be in for more earthquakes and surprises. Mars in Taurus is likened to a bull, not quick to get moving...

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Getting back to my podcast roots

Uncategorized Jun 22, 2024

In today's podcast episode, I thought this Capricorn Full Moon (on my Sun/AC) would be the perfect time to 're-define' who I am and what I'm about. I share with you a new direction that I'm taking with the podcast. Well, it's actually not new... it's returning to the original intention of when I started the podcast - which was actually back in 2017!

Instead of doing the weekly astrological weather - which so many other astrologers are doing, and many brilliantly - I'm going back to my original love of discussing astrology in depth. What that means is, looking at themes of life and the collective through the lens of astrology as well as looking at astrology techniques in depth.

Astrology can be used in numerous ways, but the way I apply astrology is toward helping people heal. It has an amazing capacity to allow us see ourselves more clearly, and to feel seen. Astrology can help people align with a purpose, reveal our emotional patterns and explore our potential.

I also provide...

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Cancer Solstice + Capricorn Full Moon

Uncategorized Jun 20, 2024

The Sun enters Tropical Cancer today, Thursday, June 20 at 4:51 pm EST, activating the Solstice. Cancer is the sign of comfort-seeking. Home, family, belonging, self-care, emotional needs and coziness will be the focus until July 22, so now is the time to make the most of these themes.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we're experiencing the Summer Solstice, the longest day, while our friends in the Southern Hemisphere are in the Winter Solstice, the longest night. At this time, the Sun stands still as it prepares to shift direction, so take some time to pause and reflect on your purpose and vitality, which the Sun represents. 

The ancient Romans celebrated the solstice with tributes to Vesta and the Vestal virgins, goddess of the hearth, home and sacred sexuality. Around the world, people celebrated the Sun with dance, ritual and festivities to give thanks for the bounties of nature, many of which still continue in some form today.

What makes this year's Cancer...

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