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Samhain Scorpio New Moon

new moon scorpio Oct 30, 2024

Scorpio New Moon
November 3, 2024
5:47 AM PDT / 8:47 AM EDT
9 degrees Scorpio

Samhain is the traditional Gaelic festival from October 31 to November 1 which honors the harvest season before the months of darkness descend. The ancients believed these are days where the veil between worlds is the thinnest, a time to honor those who have departed, send them our prayers and ponder the great mysteries of the universe.

That this New Moon in Scorpio on Nov 1 falls during this ancient time of honoring the dead seems poignant and pivotal. As we celebrate Halloween with jovial festivities that make light of witches, ghosts and goblins, we unconsciously are allowing an acceptance of our own mortality. Many of the great spiritual masters have said that you must die in order to live, meaning an acceptance of death can bring more aliveness and gratitude to our experience of life. 

Scorpio season is the time when we descend into our own private shadow sanctuary. It is the realm of all that is hidden and suppressed and at this New Moon, we enter a month of exploring our secrets. When we can delve into our shadow side to understand ourselves - our shame, traumas and obsessions - we can gain clarity on what is keeping us from being truly alive. Slowly, our shadow's grip on our unconscious is weakened.

Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces are forming a Grand Water Trineactivating the emotional undercurrents to our impulses, thoughts and dreams. Neptune can transcend our limited worldview, but we want to be mindful of distortion and paranoia fueling our anxieties. At its best, we can be moved by higher forces to act to protect what is precious and to speak what is dear to our hearts.

Mars in Cancer is opposing Pluto in Capricorn, both at anaretic degrees which intensifies the urgency to fight for power and control. This can be an intensely empowering aspect when it is focused on going the distance in order to achieve a monumental goal or toward a renovation project that requires intense force. However, it can be highly destructive as well, especially if compulsions and power struggles ensue.

One of the beautiful aspects aligning on Nov 3 is Venus in Sagittarius opposing Jupiter in Gemini. Venus is answering to Jupiter and these benefic planets want to taste the rainbow of pleasure and abundance. Oppositions often involve relationships or being affected by external forces and in this case, there is the potential for an uplift from a variety (Gemini) of friends, lovers and allies that expand our sense of adventure (Sagittarius) in our relationships and pleasurable activities.

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