Scorpio New Moon
November 3, 2024
5:47 AM PDT / 8:47 AM EDT
9 degrees Scorpio
Samhain is the traditional Gaelic festival from October 31 to November 1 which honors the harvest season before the months of darkness descend. The ancients believed these are days where the veil between worlds is the thinnest, a time to honor those who have departed, send them our prayers and ponder the great mysteries of the universe.
That this New Moon in Scorpio on Nov 1 falls during this ancient time of honoring the dead seems poignant and pivotal. As we celebrate Halloween with jovial festivities that make light of witches, ghosts and goblins, we unconsciously are allowing an acceptance of our own mortality. Many of the great spiritual masters have said that you must die in order to live, meaning an acceptance of death can bring more aliveness and gratitude to our experience of life.
Scorpio season is...
Today, Mars in Pisces sextiles the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, activating its breakthrough energy as they exactly align tomorrow. I don't know about you, but I haven't been sleeping well the past few nights and just generally feel buzzed and restless.
This is a time to be aware of the revolutionary shifts in our lives and in the collective. The Jupiter-Uranus is exact on my South Node, meaning Mars is trining my North Node in Scorpio! That's probably the catalyst that inspired me to launch my Lunar Nodes course which starts May 25.
And speaking of Scorpio, we're coming up on the Scorpio Full Moon square powerful Pluto in Aquarius on Tuesday, April 23. It was a Scorpio Full Moon that the Buddha attained enlightenment, meditating under the Bodhi tree which is perfectly symbolic of his metamorphosis from indulged prince living a life of luxury, sequestered from the sorrows of the world into an entirely new identity of one who renounced the...
Scorpio New Moon
November 13, 2023
1:27 AM PST / 4:27 AM EST
20 degrees Scorpio
The New Moon aligns at 20 degrees in the clandestine sign of Scorpio, arguably one of the most transformative of the zodiac signs. Scorpio is the realm of the depths - deep desires, obsessions, the occult, taboos, secrets and buried resentments are kept here. It's where we meet with our mortality and face the limits of what we can and cannot control. That this New Moon is aligned with the Mars-Uranus opposition suggests the potential for chaotic energy, turmoil and breakthroughs leading to fresh openings forward.
Mars, the ancient ruler of Scorpio, is in its home sign and its influence is prominent now. Mars in Scorpio does not tend to 'shoot from the hip' without foresight, as the fixed sign of Scorpio resists reactivity. Mars is more akin to a sniper in Scorpio, when and if it does finally strike it wants to annihilate it's target, minimizing collateral damage. However,...
May 5 Full Moon @ 10:34 am PST / 1:34 pm EDT
14 Scorpio/Taurus
The penumbral lunar eclipse will begin at 11:13 a.m. EDT (1513 GMT) on Friday (May 5) and will peak at 1:24 p.m. EDT (1724 GMT). The eclipse will end at 3:31 p.m. EDT (1932 GMT) when the moon emerges from the Earth's shadow.
The May 5 Full Moon in Scorpio is a Lunar Eclipse, and the last eclipse in Scorpio for 8 years, until 2031. Those with Scorpio natal planets and angles have a special understanding of the private, even secretive nature of this sign. Scorpio values deep bonds, consolidates energy and conceals intense emotions. It's the archetypal sorceress within us.
The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio reveals what's been lurking in the shadows such as secrets hidden from view or truths obscured from consciousness. Simmering emotional resentments can become especially difficult, if not impossible, to suppress. Many of us may even experience a dark night of the soul to deeply unearth the true purpose...