Venus Rx Readings Available Until March 1

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Opposite Uranus

May 5 Full Moon @ 10:34 am PST / 1:34 pm EDT
14 Scorpio/Taurus

The penumbral lunar eclipse will begin at 11:13 a.m. EDT (1513 GMT) on Friday (May 5) and will peak at 1:24 p.m. EDT (1724 GMT). The eclipse will end at 3:31 p.m. EDT (1932 GMT) when the moon emerges from the Earth's shadow.

The May 5 Full Moon in Scorpio is a Lunar Eclipse, and the last eclipse in Scorpio for 8 years, until 2031. Those with Scorpio natal planets and angles have a special understanding of the private, even secretive nature of this sign. Scorpio values deep bonds, consolidates energy and conceals intense emotions. It's the archetypal sorceress within us.

The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio reveals what's been lurking in the shadows such as secrets hidden from view or truths obscured from consciousness. Simmering emotional resentments can become especially difficult, if not impossible, to suppress. Many of us may even experience a dark night of the soul to deeply unearth the true purpose of our life or ponder our mortality. The cycle of death, transformation and rebirth is especially potent at this time, and realizations can awaken areas of the mind and soul to profound truths that impact our path of destiny.

The South Node in Scorpio wants to detox the shadows and traumas of the past that have kept us addicted to self-destructive patterns. At it's best, we may find a way to transmute our intense frustrations into creative expression, radical forgiveness or eliminating toxic patterns.

This comes at a time of Pluto stationing retrograde along with the Mercury rx Cazimi with the Sun, both on Monday, May 1. The Pluto station intensifies the collective angst, while the Cazimi offers a new perspective on the shifting nature of values and desires. New information and ideas can be radically awakening.

The Sun-Uranus conjunction (exact May 9) offers exhilarating twists and unexpected shifts that "disturb and transform" our sense of stability and areas of safety we cling to. A greater sense of liberation is calling if we have the courage to unleash a creative breakthrough.

The shadow of Scorpio is an obsession with maintaining control or manipulating others. Release of control can be liberating!

Mars, ruler of the Scorpio Moon is in fall in Cancer, who can be fiercely protective of what is precious to them, particularly when it comes to family or their own tender feelings. Venus, ruler of the Taurus Sun, is in Gemini who wants to connect with others through ideas and alliances. 

Venus is especially activated at this time, with a sextile to uplifting Jupiter and square escapist Neptune, suggesting that even when we've had our emotional Scorpio catharsis, there's support in the way of optimism and escapism. However, with Venus-Neptune square we want to be especially wary of over-sacrificing our values, money or love too much out of a sense of vulnerability or an inability to hold true to our boundaries.

It's said that the Buddha attained enlightenment while meditating under a Scorpio Full Moon. He destroyed mental disturbances and received insight on past lives, karma, reincarnation and the Four Noble Truths. When the groundedness of the Taurus Sun is activated by the alchemy of the Scorpio Moon, profound transformation and awakening is possible.

What transformation is calling to you now?

With the Sun-Mercury Rx-Uranus in Taurus, we must look at life through new perspectives and liberate ourselves from our self-imposed limitations in order to allow the rebirth of this eclipse season. 

Reflect back at the eclipse season of April/May 2022 and the houses in your Natal Chart ruled by Taurus and Scorpio. What areas that used to provide satisfaction have become toxic or stagnant? What growth has been possible in terms of your sense of survival, practicality and resources that has asked you to push past your limitations, dig deep and accelerate in your spiritual awareness and personal growth?

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