Monthly Mentoring Circle Starts Nov 3


Uncategorized Feb 17, 2021

Today, February 17 is the first of three exact squares of Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus - the forces of authority and restriction colliding with the radical, unexpected or unusual. There's an urgent desire for massive change as well as a forceful resistance response.

The exalted Taurus Moon, symbolic of the people, aligns with erratic Uranus, highlighting a rising rebellion, in the collective as well as in nature. One example would be the attempt at student loan forgiveness. While this would be a progressive movement forward (Uranus) having to do with money and survival (Taurus), right now while this may be moving forward there is still much resistance by many in the government (Saturn) as to how much to forgive.

It's truly a winter of discontent as temperatures plummet and much of the U.S. finds itself in a frozen tundra, sadly many without power. Much of the world is experiencing lockdown fatigue and are reaching a breaking point. But it's within this clash that evolution...

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Uncategorized Feb 12, 2021

I’m always amazed when I journey with someone through a past life. It feels like such a privilege to witness. The images that come through the unconscious are like semi-waking dreams.

Vivid. Moving. As if they have a life of their own.

Sometimes images emerge with velocity. For others, they’re unveiled gently, delicately.

Even the most resistant person who claims to have a limited imagination can, with a bit of patience, experience another lifetime piercing through the veil of consciousness.

I like to think of it as riding the wave of the unconscious while it releases a burden or resolves an inner crisis. Resolution. Catharsis. On the level of Soul.

Get curious as to what destiny has in store for you next. Not everything needs to be revealed now.

If you watch a compelling movie, you probably don’t stop in the middle of it to ask yourself “what’s the meaning of this?” The experience of being IN the narrative is what you came for.


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AQUARIUS NEW MOON | Spread Your Wings

astrology Feb 11, 2021

An electric new cycle begins with the New Moon in Aquarius today, February 11 at 11:05 AM PST / 2:05 PM EST at 23 degrees Aquarius.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is

"A Man, Having Overcome His Passions, Teaches Deep Wisdom In Terms Of His Experience"

We're in the process of re-envisioning, re-shaping and re-designing our world and reality. This New Moon in futuristic Aquarius begins a cycle of change, personal revolution and collective evolution.

In the great age of Air, our thoughts and ideas create our reality. They're our most precious resource and most valuable currency. Now more than ever, it's important to invest your attention in what will pay dividends.

The house where this New Moon falls in your chart shows more precisely where these possibilities for transformational growth lie. The inner change is complete, now the butterfly needs to spread its wings and fly.

As attractive Venus and abundant Jupiter unite in the skies today, also in Aquarius, they...

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