"We are evolving from five-sensory humans into multisensory humans...
From the perception of the five sensory human, we are alone in a universe that is physical.
From the perception of the multisensory human, we are never alone. And the universe is alive: conscious, intelligent and compassionate."
-Gary Zukav, The Seat of the Soul
The Full Moon in Sagittarius aligns on Thursday, May 23 at 2 degrees Sagittarius at 6:53 AM Pacific / 9:53 AM Eastern. Sagittarius is the Jupiter-ruled Fire sign associated with seeking higher truth and wisdom.
Symbolized by the archer who aims high to achieve lofty aspirations, there's an adventurous quality to this sign which thrives on inspiration and enthusiasm for new horizons. This can be an uplifting time, especially as the benefics Venus and Jupiter come together in Taurus to offer material blessings.
Jupiter, the ruler of the Full Moon is wrapping up its year-long transit in Taurus. Fresh off of the conjunction with electric Uranus, Jupiter...
Today, Mars in Pisces sextiles the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, activating its breakthrough energy as they exactly align tomorrow. I don't know about you, but I haven't been sleeping well the past few nights and just generally feel buzzed and restless.
This is a time to be aware of the revolutionary shifts in our lives and in the collective. The Jupiter-Uranus is exact on my South Node, meaning Mars is trining my North Node in Scorpio! That's probably the catalyst that inspired me to launch my Lunar Nodes course which starts May 25.
And speaking of Scorpio, we're coming up on the Scorpio Full Moon square powerful Pluto in Aquarius on Tuesday, April 23. It was a Scorpio Full Moon that the Buddha attained enlightenment, meditating under the Bodhi tree which is perfectly symbolic of his metamorphosis from indulged prince living a life of luxury, sequestered from the sorrows of the world into an entirely new identity of one who renounced the...
Now that we've passed through the Total Solar Eclipse portal, we're in the waxing phase of this New Moon cycle and the impulse and urgency for new beginnings is heating up. Tune into what's brewing in your soul and the creative fire asking to be kindled.
The sky gods, Jupiter and Uranus, are both being activated by the Taurus Moon today as they move closer to their union at 21 Taurus on April 20. Jupiter represents expansion, abundance, hope and ideals and Uranus brings innovation, surprise, freedom and breakthrough. Jupiter expands Uranus and Uranus electrifies Jupiter.
Jupiter last opposed Uranus in September 2017 when Jupiter was at 27 Libra and Uranus at 27 Aries. The last time they conjoined was June 8, 2010 at 0 Aries.
Now, they come together to seed an entirely new cycle of possibility in Venus' Earth sign of Taurus, whose focus is on the values which are the foundation upon which we build our lives and sense of security. It's the...
Libra Lunar Eclipse
Monday, March 25
12:00 AM PDT / 3:00 AM EDT
5 degrees Libra / Aries
As the Moon waxes toward an opposition with the exalted Aries Sun, they're aligning for Monday's lunar eclipse in Libra. A lunar eclipse is a full moon within 12 degrees of the nodal axis, which signifies shifts of fate and re-alignment of destiny.
The South Node and Moon in Libra suggest relationships, agreements and negotiations needing resolution. Assumptions we've been operating on in relationships may be revealed. Issues of fairness and equality are important, and with the Sun in Aries, there's a focus on purpose and self-interest. Something is coming to a culmination which may have a bittersweet tone to it, especially if its time is ending or transitioning into a new phase. The South Node offers a release of burdens or it can invite helpful influences from the past but with a sense that they have served their purpose.
Venus is the ruler of this lunar...
Today the Sun conjoins transcendent Neptune in it's home sign of Pisces, where it's been transiting since April 2011.
The Sun illuminates the archetype of Neptune today, yet like the ocean, Neptune contains a vastness of experience ranging from the mystical and blissful, to the disappointing and sorrowful. Dropping into meditation can be like diving to the bottom of the ocean where there is peace away from the chaotic waves.
In the Natal Chart, the Sun often represents the role we play, whether in our work, our family or the conscious identity we take on. Neptune can bring a renewed perspective, soften the sharp focus, and dissolve the fixed identity.
I've often seen this as a time when people experience an existential crisis. They might feel exhausted and consider "throwing in the towel" when they can't see where the path leads. A good rest and self-care can be deeply healing now.
The dissolving of our identity may be an invitation to imagine a new purpose. Perhaps...
"A defeat for the ego is a victory for the Self..."
"the Self is the total, timeless man...who stands for the mutual integration of conscious and unconscious"
- Carl Jung
The night skies will be illuminated on January 25 with a Full Moon at 5 degrees Leo, opposing the Sun at 5 Aquarius, intensified by Pluto. Leo Full Moons often bring emotional drama, and this may feel especially high stakes as it opposes Pluto at 0 Aquarius.
Diva-like behavior may be on the menu in order to save face as underlying fears activate ego desires. We may be called to transcend pride in order to serve a greater collective cause.
The Full Moon squares abundant Jupiter in Taurus, increasing the sense of freedom, abundance and exaggeration. A lovely Venus-Jupiter trine in Earth signs can invite the pleasure principle in the realm of the material and practical realms.
This Full Moon is the culmination of the intentions of the Capricorn New Moon on January 11 which may brought unexpected shifts in...
Cancer Full Moon occurs December 26 at 4:33 pm PST / 7:33 pm EST with the Moon at 4 degrees Cancer opposing the 4 degree Capricorn Sun.
Full Moons in the Water signs activate emotional tension and expression, similar to the rising tides of the ocean. Tears may flow more easily when our sensitive hearts are touched. In Cancer, the Moon's home sign, themes center around family, home, mothering, protection and craving for emotional comfort.
Self-soothing can be especially healing now, whether it's in the form of your favorite cozy sweater, tucking in to a warm bowl of soup, snuggling under the duvet, or writing in your private journal, allowing emotion to flow through weaving your own personal myth.
As the Moon trines Saturn in Pisces, there's ease in allowing creative inspiration to fuel our discipline. Abundant Jupiter in Taurus sextiles the Full Moon and the following day, Jupiter trines the Sun, so there's great...
Sagittarius New Moon
20 degrees Sagittarius
December 12, 2023
3:32 PM PST
6:32 PM EST
This New Moon offers the promise of a new dawn, even if the path ahead may be filled with twists, turns and perhaps a bit of backtracking. Sagittarius is an enthusiastic fire sign. Hopeful and expansive it's ruled by Jupiter in Taurus who craves abundance of indulgences. Mars in Sagittarius is eager and impatient to embark on a great new adventure. A square to Neptune may distort our perspective or sense or proportion, however, as this lunation grows in light, the hope of Sagittarius leads to new heights.
Shortly after the New Moon aligned, Mercury stationed retrograde at 8 Capricorn, where it will begin a 3 1/2 week journey backtracking through Capricorn and Sagittarius, until it stations direct on the New Year, January 1. The Capricornian instinct for achievement may need to revisit the beliefs upon which these goals are founded. Until we have a clear 'why' we can't achieve the right...
While Pluto is wrapping up it's time in authoritative Capricorn - it departs for Aquarius in January 2024, but will have another brief stint in Capricorn from September to November 2024 - the resonance of judgement and oppression thrums through the collective with urgency.
Venus in her home sign of Libra is the ultimate symbol of diplomacy and harmony-seeking, however as she approaches a challenging closing square with Pluto on December 3, desires in relationships can take on a compulsive and manipulative quality. When unconscious impulses become intensified, we may go to extremes in attempts to please others through acquiescence or compliance, as those who seek power become even more demanding, jealous or manipulative.
Whenever Venus and Pluto are in a challenging aspect its important to reflect upon the ways we allow power dynamics to control our lives. Are we a slave to the power of money, love or needing to feel accepted or adored by others? Releasing...
Gemini Full Moon
Monday, Nov 27, 2023
1:16 AM PST / 4:16 AM EST
4 degrees Gemini Moon / Sagittarius Sun
“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?... From now on, then, resolve to live as a grown-up who is making progress, and make whatever you think best a law that you never set aside. And whenever you encounter anything that is difficult or pleasurable, or highly or lowly regarded, remember that the contest is now: you are at the Olympic Games, you cannot wait any longer...” ― Epictetus
SUMMARY: The Full Moon in Gemini illuminates a sense of adventure along the axis of ideas, information, and beliefs, where the fluidity of learning intermingles with the optimism of faith. A stellium in Sagittarius of the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Ceres encourages inflated expectations, actions and big ideas. However, a square to Saturn in Pisces offers a reality check to ensure that plans are grounded in responsibility so they don't become...