Cancer Full Moon + Jupiter Blessing

full moon Dec 26, 2023

Cancer Full Moon occurs December 26 at 4:33 pm PST / 7:33 pm EST with the Moon at 4 degrees Cancer opposing the 4 degree Capricorn Sun.

Full Moons in the Water signs activate emotional tension and expression, similar to the rising tides of the ocean. Tears may flow more easily when our sensitive hearts are touched. In Cancer, the Moon's home sign, themes center around family, home, mothering, protection and craving for emotional comfort.

Self-soothing can be especially healing now, whether it's in the form of your favorite cozy sweater, tucking in to a warm bowl of soup, snuggling under the duvet, or writing in your private journal, allowing emotion to flow through weaving your own personal myth.

As the Moon trines Saturn in Pisces, there's ease in allowing creative inspiration to fuel our discipline. Abundant Jupiter in Taurus sextiles the Full Moon and the following day, Jupiter trines the Sun, so there's great...

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Sagittarius New Moon + Mercury Rx

mercury rx new moon Dec 13, 2023

Sagittarius New Moon
20 degrees Sagittarius
December 12, 2023
3:32 PM PST
6:32 PM EST

This New Moon offers the promise of a new dawn, even if the path ahead may be filled with twists, turns and perhaps a bit of backtracking. Sagittarius is an enthusiastic fire sign. Hopeful and expansive it's ruled by Jupiter in Taurus who craves abundance of indulgences. Mars in Sagittarius is eager and impatient to embark on a great new adventure. A square to Neptune may distort our perspective or sense or proportion, however, as this lunation grows in light, the hope of Sagittarius leads to new heights.

Shortly after the New Moon aligned, Mercury stationed retrograde at 8 Capricorn, where it will begin a 3 1/2 week journey backtracking through Capricorn and Sagittarius, until it stations direct on the New Year, January 1. The Capricornian instinct for achievement may need to revisit the beliefs upon which these goals are founded. Until we have a clear 'why' we can't achieve the right...

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Venus square Pluto | Powerful Desires

aspects pluto venus Dec 01, 2023

While Pluto is wrapping up it's time in authoritative Capricorn - it departs for Aquarius in January 2024, but will have another brief stint in Capricorn from September to November 2024 - the resonance of judgement and oppression thrums through the collective with urgency. 

Venus in her home sign of Libra is the ultimate symbol of diplomacy and harmony-seeking, however as she approaches a challenging closing square with Pluto on December 3, desires in relationships can take on a compulsive and manipulative quality. When unconscious impulses become intensified, we may go to extremes in attempts to please others through acquiescence or compliance, as those who seek power become even more demanding, jealous or manipulative.

Whenever Venus and Pluto are in a challenging aspect its important to reflect upon the ways we allow power dynamics to control our lives. Are we a slave to the power of money, love or needing to feel accepted or adored by others? Releasing...

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Gemini Full Moon: Seize the Day

Uncategorized Nov 26, 2023

Gemini Full Moon
Monday, Nov 27, 2023
1:16 AM PST / 4:16 AM EST
4 degrees Gemini Moon / Sagittarius Sun

“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?... From now on, then, resolve to live as a grown-up who is making progress, and make whatever you think best a law that you never set aside. And whenever you encounter anything that is difficult or pleasurable, or highly or lowly regarded, remember that the contest is now: you are at the Olympic Games, you cannot wait any longer...” ― Epictetus

SUMMARY: The Full Moon in Gemini illuminates a sense of adventure along the axis of ideas, information, and beliefs, where the fluidity of learning intermingles with the optimism of faith. A stellium in Sagittarius of the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Ceres encourages inflated expectations, actions and big ideas. However, a square to Saturn in Pisces offers a reality check to ensure that plans are grounded in responsibility so they don't become...

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Scorpio New Moon + Mars opp Uranus

new moon scorpio Nov 13, 2023

Scorpio New Moon
November 13, 2023
1:27 AM PST / 4:27 AM EST
20 degrees Scorpio

The New Moon aligns at 20 degrees in the clandestine sign of Scorpio, arguably one of the most transformative of the zodiac signs. Scorpio is the realm of the depths - deep desires, obsessions, the occult, taboos, secrets and buried resentments are kept here. It's where we meet with our mortality and face the limits of what we can and cannot control. That this New Moon is aligned with the Mars-Uranus opposition suggests the potential for chaotic energy, turmoil and breakthroughs leading to fresh openings forward.

Mars, the ancient ruler of Scorpio, is in its home sign and its influence is prominent now. Mars in Scorpio does not tend to 'shoot from the hip' without foresight, as the fixed sign of Scorpio resists reactivity. Mars is more akin to a sniper in Scorpio, when and if it does finally strike it wants to annihilate it's target, minimizing collateral damage. However,...

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Taurus Lunar Eclipse + Mars-Mercury opp Jupiter

full moon lunar eclipse Oct 24, 2023

Taurus Lunar Eclipse / Full Moon
Saturday, Oct 28
1:24 PM PDT / 4:24 PM EDT
5 degrees Taurus / Scorpio

The final eclipse in Taurus is coming to fruition. The series of eclipses in the Taurus/Scorpio axis of transformation began with the Taurus Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021. With this final Taurus Lunar Eclipse, that which has been cultivated is ripening and ready for release, bringing one chapter to a close. In some significant way, our values have been transformed.

As an archetype, Taurus is concerned with the topic of survival, at its core. The fear of poverty and lack can activate the survival instincts for safety and security. This is why Taurus is associated with self-sufficiency and skill development, so that one can obtain what is needed - such a money, possessions, shelter - in order to sustain life. That dogged determination to put one foot in front of the other and to do what is necessary for survival is an essential character trait of Taurus.


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Libra Solar Eclipse opp Chiron | Escalate or De-escalate?

new moon solar eclipse Oct 11, 2023

Libra Solar Eclipse
21 degrees Libra
Saturday, Oct 14
10:55 a.m. PDT / 1:55 p.m. EDT

The LIbra Solar Eclipse disrupts the normal order of life in order to clear the way for a fresh pathway to emerge. It's occurring in the aftermath of the explosive Mars-Pluto square, which has inflamed powerful forces of dominance. Now more than ever, we need Libran diplomacy and cool heads to prevail, however, we could vacillate between indecisiveness as we attempt to be fair judges of the truth.

The eclipse is conjoined the South Lunar Node, opening a portal to the past - past allies, partners or relationship patterns can either lend a helping hand or remind us of shadows that need resolving. The days leading up to the Oct 14 solar eclipse may be especially laden with the need for solitude and closure in order for space to be primed for renewal. We may feel in the dark and unable to make important decisions, however, in time, profound insight will be revealed.

Mercury in Libra conjoined the solar...

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Pisces Full Moon + Saturn Rx: Ripening Karma

Uncategorized Aug 29, 2023

Pisces Full Moon
7 degrees Pisces / Virgo
August 30, 2023
6:35 pm PDT / 9:35 pm EDT

The Pisces Full Moon at 7 degrees Pisces/Virgo is a Supermoon being very close to the Earth, looming large in the sky.

Typically, a water Supermoon will evoke cascading emotional tides and while we can expect inner stirrings, the conjunction to Saturn, Lord of Karma, suggests coming to terms with reality and learning the value of boundaries. In Pisces, the Moon can be highly sensitive and the heavy presence of Saturn can often feel particularly harsh, even if the lessons are necessary for our growth.

Pisces is the most transcendent of the signs, yet Saturn insists on duty even as we yearn for escapism. The combination of Saturn-Moon, is rarely a comfortable one as the Moon is symbolic of our feelings and sensitivities. It's where we seek security, comfort and satisfaction. The ripening karma can feel poignant as emotions swell and meet with Saturn's stoic authority.


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Leo Sun Square Jupiter in Taurus: Inflated Abundance

Uncategorized Aug 04, 2023

The bold Leo Sun squares abundant Jupiter in Taurus exact on August 6, suggesting an over-the-top energy for the days ahead. 

The Sun in flamboyant Leo shines a vivid, brilliant light, and as it activates expansive Jupiter the sky's the limit for how much audacity we can take. At it's best, the Leo Sun can light up hearts and dazzle with their gift to inspire - but we'll want to watch out for the Lion roar if sensitive egos are triggered.

Perhaps new horizons beckon and the taste of freedom and adventure is too good to resist. It feels good to be generous, which can add to a sense of purpose and confidence.

But don't forget! An empowered Venus is retrograde in Leo, ruling Taurus and Libra. Venus in the underworld opens up shadows of the past - past loves, past desires, past patterns of relating - that may distort the ways we relate and call for deeper experiences of connection. Will she crash the Sun-Jupiter party with relationship...

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Lunar Nodes into Aries + Libra: The Art of Self-Awareness

Uncategorized Jul 17, 2023

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

Today, July 17, 2023, the (True) Lunar Nodes shift from the Taurus-Scorpio axis where they've been for 18 months into the Aries-Libra, the axis of relating. For the next 18 months, the North Node will activate the Fire sign of Aries and the South Node will echo through the Air sign of Libra.

As eclipses are formed by lunations conjunct the Lunar Nodes, these signs are where most of the coming eclipses will fall. We actually had the first of the series of Aries-Libra eclipses starting with an Aries Solar Eclipse on April 20, 2023 at 29 Aries, the series will end with a Solar Eclipse March 29, 2025 at 9 degrees Aries.

These past 18 months, the eclipses through Taurus-Scorpio have correlated...

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