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Leo Full Moon | Brave Heart

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2022

Brave Heart

Wednesday, February 16, 2022
8:56 am PST / 11:56 am EST
27 degrees Leo / Aquarius

Today's Leo Full Moon is a time to unleash our boldness and invoke a Brave Heart. Leo's symbol is the Lion - the king of the jungle, whose power and authority is unquestioned. Ruled by the Sun, Leo brings radiance, warmth and creative fire into the world.

The Full Moon sets off a dramatic Grand Fixed Cross with the Lunar Nodes in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius in which transformation and creation is urgently needed to move forward. It's a time to gather our courage and express what's in our hearts. As we're at the mid-point between eclipses, events can have a profound impact on our destiny storylines.

In these Aquarian times
, we're learning about the power of community and collective healing. Throughout most of 2022, there are no transits in Leo (until briefly from late July to early September when the Sun, Mercury and Venus pass through), yet plenty of planetary activity in the other Fixed signs.

Our Leo's who are used to being the center of attention, shining their light of generosity and who crave validation for their special qualities, are finding that there are other forces that may challenge their sense of self, but which can lead to significant growth. 

With the North Node transiting Taurus, Leo's 10th Whole Sign House, those with significant Leo signatures may find that their ambitions are furthered by centering on a higher purpose and honing their leadership abilities. Saturn in Aquarius, their 7th Whole Sign House, is a reality check on partnerships, agreements and commitments. Are you ready to go all in?

As the Little Prince author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote, "Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” While Leo loves romance and adoration, true commitment needs space for each soul to be authentic, whole, and supported in their dreams.

Meanwhile the desire planets Venus and Mars are uniting in Capricorn, creating friction and passion in our professional alliances. The Jupiter-Uranus sextile becomes exact tomorrow (triggered by the Virgo Moon) making sudden expansion and opportunity possible in areas that feel blocked.

The Full Moon in Leo urges the lion in all of us to roar! Whether in victory over our opponents, bold creative expressions or declarations of courageous love, the alchemy of this Full Moon wants us to release our phobias and shine.

Christina Caudill, RADIANT ASTROLOGY
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