Aries Full Moon
Wednesday, October 20
7:57 AM PDT / 10:57 AM EDT
27 degrees Aries
Full Moons illuminate polarities as the Sun (purpose) and Moon (emotional needs) face off in opposing signs. Wednesday's Aries Full Moon challenges the Libra Sun's focus on partnership and cooperation as the impatient Aries Moon needs to have her own way.
Some may sense that they've over-compromised and need to re-assert their independence. Or - as is the case with Eris conjoined with the Full Moon - some may feel left out, scorned, disrespected or rejected. Eris is the goddess of strife, sister of warrior Mars. And as Mars is in the mix (conjoined to the Sun, opposing Eris, square Pluto and trine Jupiter) motivation to achieve one's passionate desires is heightened.
A T-square to transformative Pluto in authoritative Capricorn suggests a challenge to authority or metamorphosis in one's own personal power. We may feel a need to dig deep to access the fortitude needed to reach our ambitions.
Pluto has recently turned direct, along with Saturn (responsibility), Jupiter (expansion) and Mercury (communication), adding to the sense of renewed momentum. And while it may still take Mercury until November 2 to exit its shadow, and a couple of months for the other planets to gain in speed, the inner conviction is being forged now.
Try not to let destructive energies such as impatience, frustration or rejection to toxify the life-giving energies that are available now. Allow the Mars-Jupiter trine to uplift your efforts and generosity. Focus on what your highest ambitions can achieve, create and actualize.
Note, this Full Moon is NOT a Blood Moon, as some are claiming. A Blood Moon is a Lunar Eclipse and this Moon is nowhere close enough to the Lunar Nodes to be an eclipse. If you've taken any of my Eclipse Courses, you'd know that! ;)
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