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AQUARIUS NEW MOON | Spread Your Wings

astrology Feb 11, 2021

An electric new cycle begins with the New Moon in Aquarius today, February 11 at 11:05 AM PST / 2:05 PM EST at 23 degrees Aquarius.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is

"A Man, Having Overcome His Passions, Teaches Deep Wisdom In Terms Of His Experience"

We're in the process of re-envisioning, re-shaping and re-designing our world and reality. This New Moon in futuristic Aquarius begins a cycle of change, personal revolution and collective evolution.

In the great age of Air, our thoughts and ideas create our reality. They're our most precious resource and most valuable currency. Now more than ever, it's important to invest your attention in what will pay dividends.

The house where this New Moon falls in your chart shows more precisely where these possibilities for transformational growth lie. The inner change is complete, now the butterfly needs to spread its wings and fly.

As attractive Venus and abundant Jupiter unite in the skies today, also in Aquarius, they...

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