Sagittarius Full Moon on the Great Attractor

full moon Jun 02, 2023

As I write this a day prior to the Full Moon, the Waxing Gibbous Moon in deep Scorpio is activating a Grand Water Trine with transcendent Neptune in Pisces and cozy Venus in Cancer, exact tonight at about 8:41 pm EDT. There is something mystical and otherworldly about this Grand Water Trine, and with the Scorpio Moon, the waters draw us into the emotional depths. If we have something or someone to grieve, tonight would be an auspicious moment to let the emotional waters carry us away.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius aligns on Saturday, June 3 at 11:41 p.m. EDT 13 degrees, conjunct the Great Attractor. At it's best, Sagittarius is celebratory and enthusiastic. Ruled by Jupiter, the Moon here is attracted to optimistic and expansive possibilities. Perhaps once we've emerged from an emotional catharsis or escapist trance, the fire of adventure ignites in our hearts.

The Great Attractor at 14 Sagittarius is a highly activated degree with an intense gravitational pull. The energy around it can be fascinating and visionary yet also highly polarizing with the potential for intense controversy. The fire of Sagittarius can quickly turn from exhilaration to fury, such is the nature of the Fire element.

Jupiter, ruling the Sagittarius Full Moon is in Venus' yin sign of Taurus and conjoined to the North Node of the Moon, amplifying the expansion of visionary potential. At this time a bold vision can emerge which can sweep us away in future possibility. Taurus is ultimately concerned with survival - money, possessions and self-sufficiency are key themes - offering a promise of a future that is sustainable and is built on material needs and long-term values.

This is a time to be in awe of what is currently flowering, as well as to follow Jupiter's lead as it joins the North Node of destiny, suggesting the best is still yet to come.

PS - This is your last chance to order a Jupiter in Taurus readingoffer ends June 4!

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