Eclipse Readings Available until Sept 28

Virgo New Moon | Excellence in Precision

Uncategorized Aug 26, 2022

Aug 27 @ 1:16 am PDT / 4:16 am EDT
4 degrees Virgo

The New Moon in Virgo signals the start of a cycle of humility, purification and intricate focus. Virgo aligns with the archetype of the humble servant whose path is to transcend the ego through divine purpose and productivity.

An irritating square from Mars in Gemini provokes a sense of urgency, although in the darkness of the New Moon we may be shooting in the dark out of impatience. Perfectionist Virgo can become frustrated when the details aren’t just right.

This Virgo New Moon cycle also highlights healing, which often is slow paced yet the square from Mars may need to be tamed in order not to rush the process - I have to remember this myself as I heal from a fractured ankle.

Mercury rules the New Moon and has just entered diplomatic Libra which can be helpful with agreeable communication, taking a bit of the edge off of critical Virgo.

Venus in Leo is passing through the Saturn-Uranus square causing shifting desires in relationships, money and enjoyment. Today’s urge for pleasurable escape and unusual experiences may have to contend with Sunday’s restrictions and responsibilities.

Ultimately this can be a productive and creative period as Virgo strives for excellence through habitual actions, dedicated efforts and precise detail.


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