May 2021 Starcast

Uncategorized Apr 30, 2021

May opens with an illumination of the Saturn-Uranus square as the Sun conjoins liberating Uranus today and squares authoritative Saturn on May 3. The clash of evolution and restriction is evident in society and in our own lives if we're aware of the forces of change that impel us toward acceleration yet also reminds us of responsibilities and karmic consequences.

Mercury and Venus enter Gemini, welcoming sociability and idea generation. They'll each be amplified by conjunctions to the North Node, suggesting opportunities to evolve in language, learning, values and alliances.

The New Moon in Taurus on May 11 is a reset in practical, survival-orientated goals and a focus on resourcefulness. As the nature of freedom shifts, there may be more urgency to pivot toward a re-orientation of life itself.

Jupiter escapes the grip of Saturn's domain as it enters its domicile of Pisces May 13. We'll have a few months to experience the planet of expansion roaming free in spiritual, mystical Pisces.

As Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius on May 23, the Lord of time slows down before turning direction. Burdens and may feel especially heavy, but as Saturn goes retrograde, restrictions may ease as a restructuring period ensues.

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse on May 26 is a critical turning point in Sagittarian wisdom and Gemini knowledge. Will we learn our lessons to transform paradigms of belief into awakened truths? Venus and Mercury will be conjoined in Gemini so perhaps we'll find allies in our search for insight.

I'll be discussing the transits of May in my monthly webinar for the Radiant Astrology Membership on Sunday, April 9 at 11 am PDT / 2 pm EST. Join the membership at


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