Aries New Moon
April 1, 2022
2:24 am EDT
11 degrees Aries
“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.”
- bell hooks
Today's Aries New Moon has the sense of embarking upon a new adventure, integrating our humanity in the process. Aries is the Warrior and the Pioneer. As the Sun, symbolic of life force, is exalted in Aries, we begin a cycle of renewed courage and determination, allowing instinct to guide us.
This New Moon is conjoined to both Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and Mercury, the Messenger, suggesting a self-focus on personal goals. Chiron in Aries is the Wounded Warrior, whose tender wounds are hidden behind a defense of bravado. At this time, however, they may feel exposed for all the world to see yet if we're honest we recognize the wound in each of us and this recognition is what connects us to our humanity.
The other side of Chiron is the Maverick, the one who blazes their own trail departing from the known, the tried-and-true. As Chiron orbits between traditional Saturn and revolutionary Uranus, its own path is one that departs from tradition and aims toward the unique and unconventional. I think of Chiron in Aries as the baby first learning to walk - imbalanced and stumbling, a new soul in a strange physical form yet driven by instinct. It's the path of the Pioneer.
The ruler of his New Moon is Mars in the collective sign of Aquarius. Personal grievances can trigger collective events. Mars is on the Fixed Star Castra, indicating "impatience, anxiety, temper tantrums and irrational behavior" at its worst. At its best, we may be motivated toward activism, with a militant drive to forge ahead. And with Venus in Aquarius communities can be a powerful force in personal and collective healing.
Mars is headed for a conjunction with Saturn on Tuesday and square the Lunar Nodes, insisting that we curb our reactionary instincts for a more considered pace. The joining of the two malefics creates a 2-year cycle that manifests as the primary challenge in the collective. Many believed the 2020 conjunction was symbolic of the pandemic and its associated restrictions. What this cycle will symbolize is now crystallizing.
Healing happens in its own time and the tendency to rush the process may aggravate the wound and prolong the healing process. In mythology, the centaur Chiron had a wound that would never heal and only by descending from being an immortal into a mortal could he escape the pain. Perhaps this is the lesson of Chiron, that healing comes from deflating the ego and fully accepting ourselves, failings and all.
This level of self-acceptance can be the key to how the journey forward unfolds. The pioneering 11 degrees Aries New Moon squares the New Moon that was on January 2 at 11 degrees Capricorn, a renewal of responsibility.
A new awareness is emerging about your path for 2022 and the quality of the inner light needed as you move forward.
What are you Pioneering for this new 12-month cycle?
Guidance is available in my Aries Equinox Workshop and 2022 Year Ahead Workshop bundle. Or you can book an insight astrology session.
New Moon blessings,
Christina Caudill
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